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Can any one explain this because I don’t understand it?
So the Feds charge him? Not the State??  
But with FTR, could both the State and the Feds charge him?? 

We have lost all touch with reality. Four years for forgetting to update your address. To be clear, we’re spending $100K+ to lock up someone because of an administrative omission. This country deserves what it gets.

Now now, it’s just a civil regulatory issue, not punishment, similar to driving on an expired license, and we all know if you drive on an expired license you get 5yrs in jail.

Price club, it is not punishment per the USSC…

4 years in prison for not renewing your “Price Club Membership”. Nahhhhh….it’s not punishment!!! [sarcasm]

The following was taken from a press release issued by the U.S. Attorney’s Office which was titled “Preston County man guilty of sex offender charge.”

“…of Terra Alta, West Virginia, has admitted to a sex offender charge, United States Attorney William Ihlenfeld announced….pleaded guilty today to one count of ‘Failure to Update Sex Offender Registration.’ ” (emphasis added)

A U.S. Attorney is very careful in crafting such press releases. So it appears that a failure to register charge is considered a “sex offender charge.” The term sex offender charge implies to most people that it is a new sex offense. I had to read it twice. The author left herself a rhetorical loophole. If challenged, she could argue that she didn’t say a new “sex offense” but merely a “sex offender charge.” These people are tricky indeed.

But its not punishment, right? Just civil? A speeding ticket is also a civil infraction, but when was the last time you read about someone getting 4 years in prison for driving 5 mph over the speed limit?

In Google News, I regularly search the term “SORNA” and I see so many of these articles about FTR* charges. It’s honestly just crazy.

*FTR = Failure to Register

Can anyone educate me on the difference between “civil” incarceration (e.g., for FTR) vs. punitive incarceration? 🤔🤨
Is “civil” incarceration done in, for example, an Embassy Suites hotel rather than a razor-wire fenced prison?? 🧐🤷🏻‍♂️

It doesn’t defend the sentence (or the conviction), but the guy appears to have quite the criminal history, including possession of meth and assaulting police officers (link), and I suspect he was on parole when he was arrested for FTR. Again, not defending anything, but for guys
worried they might send you to the clink for four years for being a week late to do address verification, I’m guessing that’s pretty rare.

Please.just look at this to get a clearer picture. Tom Kleeh

Why is everything going blank on here after the CASOMB meeting? How’d it go? I want answers.

Sure don’t keep up on your registration information and you get 4 years in prison. A woman gets pregnant by a 13 year old boy and she gets no prison time. If it were a man who got a 13 year old girl pregnant he would be sent away for life and then some. Have a few pictures you should not have and you get 20 years in prison.

Where is the balance of sentencing?

SORNA Crap, not playing that game here in CALI